Another book from Bombicino and Chatal!!
" Tell Mama!"
With support from Oticon Pediatrics, this colorful new picture book has just been released, and is available now on www.successforkidswithhearingloss.com, Amazon and Barnes and Noble websites.
Written in verse for toddlers, it encourages children with hearing aids to be spontaneous and use language to express themselves. It is a fun way for parents and teachers to promote advocacy even for the very young. With each page depicting an everyday activity, you can say, sign, or sing the refrain together, and...... “Tell your Mama”!
Contact Jim directly via this website to purchase multiple copies at a discounted price.

"Tips for Teachers" is a series of videos!
"There are 10 videos, each only about 2 minutes in length, presented by educational audiologist Jim Bombicino. You can email links to share one tip at a time with one or more teachers. A great way to remind classroom teachers of our students' auditory access needs! Choose which tips to send, or send one a week to kick off the school year. Tips topics include: facing the student, small group work, using the HAT system, moving around, etc. Incorporates simulations of challenges listening in a classroom with hearing devices. Comes with handouts about listening in background noise, 2 general inservice handouts, and emailable tips for teachers."
Available from www.successforkidswithhearingloss.com. See the Youtube Link: https://youtu.be/RNBZ71c1XtQ
The Elephant in the Room is now available as a Video or I-book!

Our big news is that this poignant story for children is now a multimedia demonstration for anyone who has someone with hearing loss in their life. Listen to the sample pages by clicking below:

This new ibook features an audio track with actors reading the roles, and the voices that Skyler hears are electronically filtered to simulate his moderate-severe hearing loss. It's a great way to demonstrate the difficult listening conditions he faces everyday, and is available now at: Elephant in the Room – Supporting Success For Children With Hearing Loss (www.successforkidswithhearingloss.com)
There is also a video version which is compatible with any device!
The 'Go To' Booklets for Teens and Tweens with Hearing Loss:
Complete with a little advice, "The Sky's the Limit" with this original collection of comic strips for teenagers. A great resource for starting discussion about self-advocacy and 'life after hearing aids'. First published by Oticon Pediatrics in 2017, it is now available in digital form (ibook and PPoint) for a nominal fee at: https://teachertoolstakeout.com/

And here is a second collection of timely and targeted comic strips highlighting situations and predicaments that will ring true with the Hard of Hearing teens in your life. A must for parents, teachers, and counselors when opening discussion about how to improve communication and use simple strategies for better understanding. Check it out! Order your complimentary copy today by email: pediatrics@oticonusa.com or phone 1-888-684-7331. Also available for purchase in digital form at https//teachertoolstakeout.com
"I REALLY LIKE 'Beyond the Sky's Limit'! It's so relevant to adolescent development. I like that it's about the awkwardness of transitions, as well as the empowerment supports we all need. I learned a lot. Thanks for capturing the important issues."
Rosemarie Kopacsi, PhD, MSW, LCSW
A fun way to educate the classmates of Hard of Hearing students that will entertain both children and adults alike. This engaging and funny 13 minute video was developed from a live puppet show written and performed for classrooms in Vermont by regional consultant Jim Bombicino. It comes with a teacher discussion guide, and is designed to teach young children (pre-K to 4th grade.) 5 different strategies to use when speaking with Hard of Hearing people.
Jim produced a widely acclaimed simulation which, when used as part of an in-service workshop for educators, can provide compelling evidence supporting the use of wireless technology. It simulates what speech sounds like when recorded first through a hearing aid, and then through a personal FM system linked to the hearng aid. The demonstration takes place in an empty classroom while the presenter walks toward and away from the "listener" and while competing voices are played in background.